A1: Two buildings (a & b) on the edge of Basho Crater on Mercury



a: A rectangular building


b: A 8 km high tower building 


A2: A big building on Mercury  v.ku6.com


A3: Two base buildings on Mercury  http://www.t-xxx.com/modules/pico/index.php?content_id=5


B1: Buildings on Venus  http://yokozuna.link


B2: Buildings on Venus  http://mnsatlas.com/?p=2033


B3: A pyramid on Venus   big.china.com


B4:  A pyramid on Venus  http://www.t-xxx.com/


B5: A palace-shaped building on Venus  http://www.t-xxx.com/


C1: Buildings on the Jupiter III satellite  http://tufos.twup.org/?id=tvv73mxy20t07e


C2: Buildings on the Jupiter II satellite  http://www.t-xxx.com/modules/pico/index.php?content_id=100


D: Buildings on a satellite of Saturn  http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/to7002/33211701.html


E1: Buildings on Mars  http://eien3.jugem.jp 


E2: Buildings on Mars  http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/kyo910yagi/59143904.html


E3: Pyramids on Mars  http://blog.goo.ne.jp/ohisama_maruzo/e/4b0cf8b324a...


 E4: A castle and a letterbox-shaped building on a satellite of Mars  http://earth38moon.blog115.fc2.com/blog-entry-121.html     


E5:  Pyramids on Mars  http://www.google.com/mars http://blog.xuite.net/frank.hgs/GE/10514608


E6: Pyramids on Mars  http://d.hatena.ne.jp/nakaotatsuya3/?of=31


E7: Sunflower-shaped buildings on Mars   http://phyllischan.blogspot.com/2009_08_01_archive.html

F1: A base building on the moon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9IyVTY5el0
F2: A bridge-shaped building on the moon  http://hi.baidu.com/miaoyuanshijie/item/9463663449cb9dc42e8ec2d3


F3: A gear-shaped building on the moon  bibliotecapleyades.net 


F4: A pyramid, a bases building and a bunker-shaped building on the moon  www.qiqutang.com 


F5: Buildings on the moon  www.messagetoeagle.com/moonbaseschina.php ... ...  


F6: A huge transparent cover for living on the moon   http://tv.sohu.com/20100809/n274078705.shtml


F7: Glass dome buildings on the moon  http://www.ufotm.com/thread-1946-1-1.htm


F8: Ring-shaped, flower-shaped and tassel-shaped buildings on the moon   http://www.ufotm.com/thread-1946-1-1.htm


F9: Pyramids on the moon  http://www.ufotm.com/thread-1946-1-1.htm


F10: Urban buildings on the moon  blog.sina.com.tw/sam3051/article.php?pbgid=73447&entryid=592221


F11: High sharp buildings on the moon (Newtonkids No.144, Taiwan)



by Cheng Chung Kuo







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